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The Nest

Private·14 Tiny Dino Wrangler


Welcome to The Nest! You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos.

Group Rules

Be Respectful

-Treat all members with kindness and respect. Discrimination, harassment, or personal attacks will not be tolerated. -Use polite, CLEAN and constructive language, even when disagreeing with others.

Stay On Topic

-Keep discussions relevant to the forum categories and threads. Off-topic posts may be moved or deleted by moderators. -Use descriptive titles for new threads to help others understand the topic.

No Spam or Self-Promotion

-Avoid posting unsolicited advertisements, affiliate links, or self-promotional content. -If you wish to share a product or service that you believe is valuable, seek approval from a moderator first.

Share Accurate Information

-Provide accurate and truthful information based on your experience or reputable sources. -Clearly distinguish between personal opinions and factual information.

Protect Privacy

- Do not share personal information (yours or others') such as phone numbers, addresses, or email addresses.

No Illegal Activities

-Do not engage in or promote illegal activities, including but not limited to piracy, hacking, or drug use. -Follow all applicable laws and regulations.

Use Appropriate Content

-Avoid posting content that is obscene, vulgar, or offensive. -This includes images, videos, and language. -Content should be suitable for all ages.

Follow Moderator Instructions

-Respect the decisions and instructions of forum moderators. They are here to ensure the community runs smoothly. -If you have an issue with a moderator decision, contact them privately to discuss.

Contribute Positively

-Share your knowledge, ask questions, and engage in discussions to help create a supportive community. -Encourage and support new members as they learn and grow.

Report Issues

-If you encounter any problems or see rule violations, report them to a moderator immediately. -Use the report feature or contact a moderator directly.

Be Patient

-Understand that members come from different backgrounds and have varying levels of experience. -Be patient with newcomers and provide guidance when needed.


-Enjoy your time in The Nest. Share your experiences, learn from others, and make new friends in the community.


  • Private

    Only paying members can view group content.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • July 6, 2024


  • Brad Murphy

    Created by

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